提出自大馬士革玫瑰花朵,香氣馥郁芬芳,迅速補充水分和活力,有效舒緩肌膚乾燥不適,呈現自然健康色彩。適合所有膚質,尢其熟齡及缺水性肌膚及疲累暗沉引起的壓力性肌膚問題。同時玫瑰純露能有助平衡情緒,化解鬱結阻礙,讓心靈平靜。可代替爽膚水:補水保濕,嫩白膚色。天氣香水、補水定妝噴霧:天然花香,愉悅身心。調和面膜:調理保養肌膚,保持肌膚持久水潤。容量200mlWhat is Rose Water?It is the water that is created when extracting essential oil from the petals by steam distillation. What are the benefits of Rose Water?- Nourishing and moisturising to skin of all types. It is rich in vitamin C and high level of antioxidant polyphenols which can help keep your skin looking bright and healthy. - Toning. It has astringent properties can leave skin tighter, firmer.- Cooling and refreshing mist on your face after sun or long day work in office as an instant skin booster and moisturiser. - Natural perfume with a beautiful rose scent. Use it as a body mist after a shower or can be used as an air freshener for your bedroom. - Soothing and healing properties on acne, itchy eczema or sunburn skin. How to use Rose Water? Use directly on skin as a facial toner. Mix them in with your skin care products like face cream, homemade face mask and added in your massage products for a smoother and relaxing feel. Thanks
200ml Pure Bulgarian Rose Water 保加利亞玫瑰純露
SKU: 0037