全手作加入多種有殺菌消毒功效的香薰精油,包括尤加利精油、簿荷精油、玫瑰草精油和葡萄柚精油。並含有75%酒精成份,不但給手部消毒,同時可以噴在衣物上、或環境全面保護。容量50ml Handmade with 75% isopropyl alcohol together with disinfect purpose essential oils including Eucalyptus essential oil, Peppermint essential oil, Palmarosa essential oil and Grapefruit essential oil. It can spray on hands, clothing and even environment to keep you and your family safe from bacteria and germs. 50ml
Handmade Hand Sanitizer 手作防疫殺菌噴霧