含荷荷芭油、胡蘿蔔籽油、玫瑰精油、天竺葵精油、橙花精油。適合各類肌膚具有良好保濕、淡斑、美白、有效改善暗亞膚色、促進細胞再生、增加彈性和光澤。 洗臉後、噴上花水,滴二至三滴於掌心,推開後輕輕按摩全臉至吸收。最後蓋上鼻子深深呼吸,感受香薰精油帶給你的心靈平靜、安撫、提升精神、舒解壓力的能量。容量15ml Rejuvenating facial oil rich in jojoba, carrot seeds oil with Rose essential oil, Geranium essential oil and Neroli essential oil. Suitable for all types of skin, it gives moisturising, whitening, improve dullness skin tone. Wash face, spray on floral water, put 2-3 drops of facial oil on palm, massage gently on clean skin until absorb. Use day and night, it can enhance elasticity, make your skin bright and glow. 15ml
Rejuvenating Facial Oil 活力醒膚精華油