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此款具有深層清潔同時可抗敏,舒緩濕疹或皮膚痕癢及乾燥等症狀肌膚。適合所有膚質,洗臉、沐浴使用。成分包括: 未精制酪梨油;富含維生素A,D,B2,卵磷脂、脂肪酸和蛋白質。山茶花油;富含Omega 3,6,9,脂肪酸和維生素E。有利柔軟、保護角質。成皂後甘油比例高,非常保濕。容易起泡,洗感非常好,沐浴後肌膚光滑柔嫩。其他優質油品包括:杏核仁油、有機乳木果脂、葡萄籽油及初榨橄欖油等親膚性高、可保濕、滋養肌膚同時洗感清爽。添加佛手柑、天竺葵和甜橙精油;有抗菌、紓壓、平衡皮脂分泌及改善乾燥粗糙皮膚功效。

Avocado Camellia Nourish Soap 酪梨山茶滋養保濕皂

SKU: 0026
  • This soap is good for deep cleansing, it has soothing properties and can help to relieve the dryness or itching of eczema and psoriasis. Suitable for all types of skin, for both facial and body cleansing.
    Made with unrefined avocado oil; rich in vitamin A, D, B2, lecithin, fatty acids and protein. Camellia oil; rich in Omega 3,6,9, fatty acids and vitamin E. As well as other vegan oils like apricot kernel oil, organic shea butter, grape seed oil and extra-virgin olive oil. This soap contains the high proportion of glycerol, which helps the skin to retain moisture and remain bright and supple. Easy to lather and leave skin smooth, soft and refreshed after bathing. 
    Pure essential oils Bergamot, Geranium, and Sweet orange are added; which have antibacterial, relieve, balance oils on the skin and can help to improve dry rough skin properties.

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