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香茅是夏季普遍用作驅蚊蟲的精油。 具有抗菌特性。添加薰衣草精油,有助放鬆神經和安睡作用。主要成分有特級初榨橄欖油、澳洲堅果油、葵花籽油、杏核仁油、蓖麻油。 具有深層清潔同時保濕、舒緩瘙癢皮膚的功能。

Lavender Citronella Soap 薰衣香茅舒緩爽膚皂

SKU: 0019
  • Citronella is a popular essential oil used as a plant-based insect repellent in summer. It has an antifungal property. This cold process handmade soap contains the goodness of vegetable oils; extra-virgin olive oil, macadamia nut oil, sunflower oil, apricot kernel oil, castor oil. It is a deep cleansing, moisturizing and refreshing soap for the skin. With an extra touch of lavender essential oil, it helps for relax and sleep. Suitable for all ages and all types of skin.

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