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適合所有類型的皮膚。 成分有甜杏仁油,特級初榨橄欖油,澳洲堅果油,有機乳木果脂,米糠油,葡萄籽油。超級滋潤和保濕; 添加迷迭香乾給肌膚提供溫和的去角質作用; 薄荷和迷迭香精油具有消毒功能,也有振奮精神,放鬆心情的特性。 是一款助您在勤勞的一天或運動後放鬆身心的深層清潔皂。

Peppermint & Rosemary Uplifting Soap 薄荷迷迭香醒神抗菌皂

SKU: 0023
  • Suitable for all type of skin. Made with sweet almond oil, extra-virgin olive oil, macadamia nut oil, organic shea butter, rice bran oil, grapeseed oil. All made a great nourishing and moisturising soap. Naturally dried rosemary gives a gentle exfoliating action to smooth and refresh skin. Peppermint and rosemary essential oils added for an uplifting and antiseptic function. A favorite cleansing soap use after sport and a hardworking day.

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